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Love and Life After Birth

How to create a family culture where everyone thrives.


17th of December 2023 Eden Rise near Totnes Devon

​Are you expecting a baby?  
Have you been focusing mainly on preparing for the Birth?
Birth is a momentous event, for you and all involved.
It is also the doorway to the even more significant experience awaiting you:
Becoming a parent, or being a new parent again.
Are you prepared for this? 


For the immense love...the delights of discovering
the minute details of your baby's face...
the feel of their soft skin on your cheek.....
the heavenly smell of their head....
and the sense of Wonder...and Awe...

And also for the powerlessness and frustration
when you don't understand their needs and
they won't sleep or stop crying.....

Are you prepared for the vulnerability you may feel, faced with the uncertainty of entering (or re-entering) this new and often challenging territory, and the reactivity this may bring to your relationships? 

Do you know the values and qualities you want to bring to your parenting? 

Your baby matters! You matter too and so does your union!
How will you navigate the changes to your identity, roles and relationship? 
How will you ensure your non-negotiable needs are met, once your baby is here? 

Whilst no one can predict the twists and turns of your unique parenting path, this day retreat will help you start visioning a family culture where everyone can thrive. 

It will provide the chance to fortify your connection to each other and your baby and plan your f
amily's dreams and goals, based on the values that are truly important to you. 









Alongside these explorations, there will be time for a shared meal and relaxation, for connecting with other expectant parents and building friendships that may be enjoyed for many years to come.

Following on from the retreat, there is the option to keep meeting and learning together, in person or online, so you can navigate the challenges that will undoubtedly arise in your lives as your pregnancy and parenting journey unfolds, and your family will thrive. 

"It was one of the best things we have done together.

How often are expectant couples in a sharing space together, doing deep work? It was so helpful to hear about how other couples thrive and where our pitfalls may be. Delicious food, massage and healing nature surroundings an added bonus! We still practice havening now, that we are close to having our baby. It's a shame this form of support is not unanimous around the UK for all parents to be. '       Ch.


A Delicate Transition

"There were many conversations about parenthood I wished we'd had before our first daughter arrived, rather than trying to hash through them when we were both sleep deprived and stretched to our limit after our baby was born"
'Nearly every parent I have spoken to, whether friend or client, has shared similar stories about the challenging transition to parenthood and how unprepared they felt for the massive life changes.'
The top reason couples break-up within a year of their child's birth: 
  'We stopped communicating properly about anything'
'Dr. Gottman’s research suggests at least four hurdles with the potential to trip up your marriage. You’ll have a better chance at surmounting them, however, if you have strategic conversations with your partner before the baby comes along, or very soon thereafter.
  1.  You may not be aware of how the baby changes your family and individual identity.
  2.  You may not talk about the tensions a new baby causes.
  3.  You may not take care of your health and well-being as individuals or as a couple.
  4. New fathers will sometimes withdraw. '
Dr Gottman's solutions to the above hurdles.:


Gorgeous Setting...

 Eden Rise: “A place for inspiration, celebration and gratitude where visitors can reconnect to the earth and receive nourishment of body, heart and spirit.”

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Full Schedule

All activities are optional
10am  Welcome 
Havening intro: a gentle relaxing practice to soothe stress and promote resilience.
What is a thriving family culture?

How to meet everyone's needs in the postpartum period,
Allies during this delicate passage. 

1pm Potluck shared lunch 

2.15 pm: 
Clarifying our values
Creating our postpartum core statement and beginning our postpartum plan

5pm. Returning home, feeling connected, nourished and excited about our future. 

"Before, I worried we could not afford the retreat, and after, it felt the best money spent as it completely changed my perspective on the pregnancy and postpartum period. It prepared us like nothing else for the reality of containing a small person and the impact on the couple relationship. We developed new friendship through the retreat and made a plan for the sacred 40 days postpartum which we shared with our family and friends. It made me see the importance of building community, as when the couple are supported the baby will thrive."

Cost; From £95 per couple

There are 2 low-cost place available. Please get in touch with Olivia to apply. 

There is a community day for expectant and new families happening on the !8th of December at the same venue.  Accommodation is available for women or couples wanting to stay overnight. Please enquire.  View gallery' for images of the accommodation.


A deposit of £50 secures your place.

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