Rest deeply.
Receive nourishment
Remember yourself.
Take a breath....
A slow deep breath...
And another...
It's ok to take a minute to pause...
And rest in yourself....just for a second...or two.
It's ok to step aside from the merry go round of your life for a short while.
Allow the stress of trying to live up to the myth of motherhood/superwoman to dissolve, to melt away – so you can feel the sap rising through your veins, the aliveness of your precious body, the spaciousness of your being... and remember yourself and the joy of being alive.
It's ok to stop and delight in your pregnancy and the miracle of your baby
Another slow breath...
Another possibility... to deepen the relaxation and the connection
And sometimes we need more than a few breaths, more than a moment's pause
Sometimes we need the gentle holding of a nourishing environment and caring people
Sometimes we need to allow ourselves the time to really release and receive...to give ourselves the love and care we crave from others.
And sometimes, we need a sisterhood...
A sisterhood to celebrate, laugh and play with, to receive and share with, to cry and offer a shoulder to ...and to remember, together, the joys and gifts of the path and the choices that are always there, moment by moment.
So we are seen, heard and received...and we know we are not alone, or inadequate or bad, but amazing women doing their best, doing the most important job on the planet, growing and raising a child, often in challenging circumstances.
A sisterhood of women who share the pregnancy and mothering path, whose words and lives reflect the immense love and also the exhaustion, the groundhog days, the fears, frustrations and numbness that can dull the joy and, sometimes, even the love and connection.​
Take a breath...and a pause.... resting in yourself ........
What do these words evoke in you?
At times the lone path may call, asking us to follow our own rhythm and impulses, to feel our own desires. What would it be like to march to the beat of our own drum, to initiate our own moves, to rest when our body is tired, eat when we are hungry and dance as if nobody is looking?

Each retreat is different, but they all have:
• beautiful environments and access to nature
• body delights like yoga, sauna or treatments and delicious healthy food bringing
the body back into balance.
• yoga nidra and other deep rest and healing practices
• coaching for enquiry, insights and to empower you to mother in harmony with your values and needs.
• techniques to move from fear and struggle to grace
• activities like singing or crafts or/and excursions to inspiring places.
• free time to just be.... and follow your own rhythm.

We want to make our retreats accessible and offer some affordable places to women/mothers on a low income.
Follow up coaching (group or one to one) is available to empower you to implement the changes and insights you have received and to keep the connection and the support of the group if you wish.
One more breath.... with a long, slow exhalation....And another...
Thank you for taking the time to stop and share this moment with us.
Maybe your breath and your attention within is all you need today to feel rejuvenated and in tune with yourself.